Genesis 1: 9-13 God makes land and separates the seas
Each moment of creation is a little different. First, God created light and separated day from night. Second, God created the sky. Today we will talk about what happens next.
“God said, ‘ Let the water under the sky be gathered in one place, and let dry ground appear.’” God called the dry places land and the waters sea. On the land God made plants and trees. God made seeds and flowers. God made fruit trees and bushes. God made all the things that grow on the land.
Have you ever grown something? What did you grow? What is your favorite fruit or vegetable? I have a lot of favorites. Watermelon is one of my favorites to eat during the summer. I also like broccoli and carrots, and many other vegetables. This summer we have been growing lots of things at our house. We just planted cherry trees and an apple tree last week. Do you have a favorite flower?
The third stage of creation was God making the land. What did God separate the land from? What can grow on land?
Coloring Page:
Need: paper, glue, and to go outside.
Collect leaves, grass, flowers, ect. Use these found items to create a picture of the third thing God created.