As of 09/21/2020, the following minutes have NOT been approved.
University Friends Monthly Meeting
Meeting for Business
Sept. 20, 2020
Clerk, Doug Chambers, opened the meeting with a brief devotion and a word of prayer.
News of the Meeting:
Dave and Beth McDonald’s son Kevin and Kevin’s wife, Gwen, will be adopting a son and moving back to Wichita.
Linda Mallonee needs prayers as she recovers from a fractured hip.
New Business:
Proposal from Nominating Committee Regarding Monthly Meeting Clerks:
The monthly meeting clerks are currently presiding clerk, assistant presiding clerk, recording clerk, and reading clerk. The nominating committee proposes that assistant clerk and reading clerk positions be eliminated. If the need arises for someone to substitute for the presiding clerk, the ministry and counsel clerk or another person could be asked to fill in. The meeting approved.
Discussion on committee clerk selection:
Catherine Griffith asked whether particular people should be asked by the nominating committee to serve as clerks of the various committees, whether the committee members should choose clerks from among themselves, or whether the monthly meeting should decide directly. Members discussed the issue.
Community Talent Performance:
Sarah Wine is planning a neighborhood community talent performance for 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4, outdoors. Flyers will be posted around Delano, in the neighborhood, and around Friends University if possible. Joe Dawley’s clogging group has agreed to perform.
Committee Reports:
Finance: David McDonald discussed the monthly financial report, which was included in the most recent issue of The Light.
Trustees: Doug Chambers reported. Trustees have been discussing building use and gathering information about the building. Trustees considered whether we could continue with Family Promise if we were not using the east half of the building, and determined that we could. Trustees projected that the total annual expenditure on building-related costs is around $73,000, with the biggest single item being insurance. Trustees have contacted Friends University about potentially expanding their use of our building. Friends University representatives visited the church and toured the building. Friends University is thinking about how they might be able to use the building. Trustees removed a row of pews so that bell choir would have more room to practice while socially distancing.
Ministry and Counsel: Pam Chambers reported. Carol and David Kingrey requested that that their membership be transferred to Haviland Friends Church due to UFM no longer being part of Mid-America Yearly Meeting. Because David’s employment is at Barclay College, he feels that his membership needs to be at a meeting that is part of MAYM. The meeting approved. John and Sue Wine submitted a letter requesting that their membership be transferred from Topeka Monthly Meeting to dual membership in University Friends Monthly Meeting and Heartland Friends Meeting. The meeting approved.
Worship: The worship committee will meet Tuesday to discuss considerations of opening the church for corporate worship.
Christian Education: Michelle Barrett reported. The committee has discussed sending monthly activity boxes to families with children.
Visitation: Beth McDonald reported. Beth said that it’s very important to reach out and stay in touch with our church family, not just those who are ill. Steve Grether was in the hospital again. They have sent him home but do not know what is causing him to bleed internally. Pam and Steve Grether need our prayers and support. Joan Smith also needs love and support following the death of Gordon.
Approval of the July and August Monthly Meeting Minutes:
Approval was postponed so that all members may review the minutes.
Concerns of the Meeting:
Catherine Griffith noted that the pastoral search committee met. Doug Chambers said that the committee feels Catherine is doing an excellent job and that there should be a “soft deadline” for continuing the pastoral search and finding a new pastor.
Vital Statistics:
Births: None
Marriages: None
Deaths: Gordon Smith died Aug. 29, 2020. Ashes were interred at Friends Garden at Resthaven Cemetery.
Closing Prayer
Pam Chambers closed the meeting with a prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Sam Jack, recording clerk