Posted by UFM Admin

October 18, 2020

Sunday October 18, 2020                                           

10:00 a.m. ~ Meeting for worship in the church building.  We will continue to live stream via the church Facebook page or our website at  Please feel free to share worship time on your Facebook page for others to enjoy also!

Order of Worship  

·        Meditative Music: Judy Blue        

·        Prelude: Judy Blue

·        Announcements

·        Music: Video with lyrics. “Here I am to Worship” by Chris Tomlin

Hillsong – Here I Am To Worship [with lyrics] (also printed at end of the Light this Week).

·        Children’s Moment

·        Prayer Concerns

·        Pastoral Prayer

·        Message: “Worship is …”

      Scripture: John 4:23-24

·         Open Worship

·         Benediction

·         Postlude: Judy Blue

Flowers provided by Jacque Robinson, technology by Joe Dawley, Michael Barrett & Michelle Barrett, and pastoral leadership by Catherine Griffith.

1:00 pm Monthly Meeting for Worship with attention to Business

Monthly Meeting Zoom link

Meeting ID: 964 3854 1164

Passcode: 233492

The current plan is to meet in the Fellowship Hall with the Zoom option




        Greeting & Opening Prayer

        Devotion and Open Worship

        Sharing News of the Meeting

        Old Business

§  Nominating Committee Report

§  Committee Reports

§  Finance                      David McDonald

§  Trustees                     Doug Chambers

§  Ministry and Counsel    Pam Chambers

§  Christian Education      Cheryl Mallonee

§  Visitation                    Beth McDonald

§  Missions                     Andrea Suttle

                Approval of July, August and September Monthly Meeting Minutes

                Concerns of the Meeting


·      Monthly Vital Statistics

·      Financial Receipts/Acknowledgment

·      Communications

Closing Prayer


Check out these guidelines for in-person worship 

As you may know, University Friends’ Worship Committee has decided to go ahead with reopening our meetinghouse for worship beginning October 18.

In order even to do so safely, we will follow these guidelines:

·         Masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required of everyone except small children.  (Masks and hand sanitizer will be available for your use.)

·         Worship will be limited to between thirty and forty minutes long. 

·         Offering plates will be positioned near the front and the back of the meeting room. 

·         Labeled packets will be available for children to use as they sit with their families, and a children’s moment will be included during worship each week.  Note that, to help protect their safety, children will not gather up front to hear the children’s moment, and we will not be providing childcare.  We ask that use of the cry room be limited to one family at a time, with the Fellowship Hall available as overflow if needed.

·         People will sit in designated pews only to allow for distancing.  In addition, talking with folks beyond one’s family group will be discouraged indoors, and the foyer will not include a coffee station or tempting readings. Smiling and waving are welcome, as are gestures of “namaste” and “live long and prosper.”

·         Instead of having bulletins, the order of worship, announcements, and prayer requests will be included in The Light This Week If you would like to have any of that information handy on Sunday morning, you might want to print it out and bring it with you.

Please understand that, while we are taking these steps to make worshiping in person possible during the pandemic, being inside the church with other people increases the risk of exposure to COVID-19.  Attending worship in these times means you are willing to accept that risk.

Please stay home if

·         you are unable or unwilling to comply with these guidelines,

·         you are uncomfortable about or have health reasons to avoid attending worship even with the guidelines,

·         you are sick,

·         you or anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or

·         you have been in contact with someone over the past two weeks who has been diagnosed with or is showing symptoms of COVID-19.

Also, be assured that we will continue live streaming worship for the foreseeable future.  

Questions and suggestions are welcome.  Prayers too.  

— Catherine Griffith, on behalf of the Worship Committee 


Church activities this week

Wednesday, October 21st, 6:30 pm, Listening Group 6.2

Wednesday, October 21st, 6:30 pm, Bell Choir rehearsal


Listening Groups: Preparing for an All-Church Retreat

As you know, University Friends Meeting is in a time of transition.  As part of that effort we are seeking to answer these questions: Who are we? Who are our neighbors? To what is God calling us?   As part of discovering God’s call for University Friends Meeting, Ministry and Counsel plus the Transition Team are putting into action a series of Listening Group conversations.   

These Listening Group conversations are crucial as we consider questions related to the future of University Friends Meeting.   Currently, three groups have scheduled their first sessions, and others are in the works.    Please keep them in your prayers.

What would it mean for us to join God’s work in our community, in our time?

How can we be better stewards of our assets, in terms of people, facilities, and money?

What is God calling us to be and do?



This year instead of Trunk or Treat we would like to do a spooky yard. We are asking for candy donations like normal. We will be putting the candy on sticks in the yard. If you can help with this please let Andrea Suttle at or Cheryl Mallonnee at know as soon as possible. Thanks



Meets at 6:30 p.m., the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.  Join us in the church library or on Zoom. Tuesday, October 27th.  The Book Club will be continuing Thomas Kelly’s A Testament of Devotion, pp. 61-88 (from “Holy Obedience: Humility and Holiness” through “The Blessed Community”). If you would like to attend via Zoom, please email Catherine at, and she will send you an email invitation.



·         Rosemary Nettrouer fell on some stairs and injured her knee. The doctor suspects torn ligaments.  An MRI is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 16th.  

·         Greg Newby is scheduled for a PET scan on October 24th to see where things are with his shoulder cancer. 

·         Our church during this time of transition – May we find clarity and energy for the tasks at hand and the decisions we will need to make as we find our way forward.   May we find ways to use our assets wisely and well.  May we discover ways we are to be a beacon of love in our world. May we be looking for the doors God is opening, and may we have the courage to walk through them.



Cliff Loesch’s mother, Cleo May Loesch Mills, 84, of Booker, TX, passed away on Monday, October 12, 2020.  Private family burial is scheduled for Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 10:00 am at Heart Cemetery in Booker, TX, followed by a private family memorial service at 11:00 am at Booker Friends Church. The funeral home in Booker will be open for viewing/visitation starting Thursday (10/15/20) from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm and Friday (10/16/20) from 9:00 am – 9:00 p.m.   


Everence to hold Social Security and retirement income planning webinar

Everence will host a Social Security and retirement income planning webinar, on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about Social Security strategies, risks that can impact retirement savings and strategies to help income last throughout retirement. This online workshop is free. Register soon by contacting our office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or  


Curious about what it means to be a Quaker? Check out these videos! 

Have you heard about the QuakerSpeak videos?  Created by Friends Journal and published on YouTube, these “interviews with modern Friends” engage a wide variety of topics from prayer and when to speak during worship, to earth care, parenting, and confronting privilege.  They are mostly under ten minutes long.

We’ve posted a link on our website:   

Why not host a watch party? 

Thank you, Kevin McDonald, for suggesting we post this information!!


Here I Am To Worship

Hillsong Worship

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for love’s sake became poor

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You’re my God

You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

Well, I’ll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross.




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