When the world is in chaos we know we can run to God. When we feel confused or afraid, we can run to God. Right now things are messy and even scary. When God created people God did not create chaos and hurt. The Bible says that each one of us is created in God’s image and that God knows us better than anyone. We are told that God knows how many hairs are on our heads and that God carefully made each of us as we are growing in our mother’s womb.
Sometimes people are unkind to others based how they look. Some people choose to ignore what God asks of us. God asks us to love one another and to care for God’s creation. People are part of God’s creation.
How do we honor what God wants from us? When we see ours being unkind we can say something. We can tell them to stop or tell an adult. We cannot do nothing. God asks us to care for others not ignore others. We can choose to be kind, to the planet, to animals, and to others. We can choose to be a bright light for God. How do we shine for God? When we speak Truth, act out of love, and when we choose to be kind, we show God’s love.
God loves each us. God loves us when we do the right thing and even when we don’t. God love us no matter our eye, hair, or skin color. God loves us when we are angry or happy. God loves us in the calm and in the chaos. God does not pick favorites.