We are Christians called to live in joyful obedience to God and challenged to be the manifestations of Christ in the world. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit we are a Christ-centered Meeting seeking spiritual vitality by learning from and practicing the teaching of scripture. We share with one another the joy of commitment and belonging in fellowship at all ages, stages, and seasons of life.
As Friends, we practice a life of simplicity, peacemaking, and recognizing the light of Christ in all persons. We experience Communion in worship, prayer, and waiting in silence to discern God’s leading.
We embrace, enlighten, and affirm all who seek to assimilate our faith, discipling each other through small worship and fellowship groups. To provide a strong foundation for children and youth, we endeavor to lead them to a personal relationship with Christ, nurture them spiritually, and enable them to discover their ministry gifts.
We believe each Friend has ministry gifts given by God for use in our Meeting and in the world. We see released ministry as equipping and enabling the membership to carry out the vision of God for University Friends.
We recognize our calling to go beyond our meeting-house in order to penetrate our society, culture, and world, overcoming evil with the good news of Christ. We share our time, talents, and resources in outreach for the needs of those to whom we bring Christ’s love. We seek not sameness in ministry, but unity in supporting one another in commitment to God’s Kingdom.