Good morning!
How are you all doing this drizzly morning? I hope you are cozy and in good spirits! If you are not, I am sending you a virtual hug! *HUG* The rainy weather can make all the other craziness a bit more intense. For me, it calms me down. The rain forces me to be more aware of those around me. I see the world a bit differently with a grey sky. If you are a student reading this please know while the world is changing and being nuts, God is the same. God is steady and is with us. If you’re an adult… hang in there! Adulting is hard enough and now we are being required to do so much more. You got this! Hopefully the lesson for today will be helpful. God is with us. God is for us. God hears us.
Today’s Lesson: Jesus Calms a Storm/Don’t Worry About A Thing
The Bible tells us lots of stories about all the things that Jesus did and taught. Jesus’ love for God was so big and so deep that Jesus couldn’t help but teach and preach the good news everywhere he went.
So many people were excited to hear these lessons that crowds would follow Jesus and the 12.
Some times being with a big group is overwhelming. Have you ever felt like you needed to be alone? Jesus did too. Jesus needed time to be away from all the people that needed to learn more about God.
In the gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, we find a story about Jesus and a storm.
Jesus and his disciples got into a boat and were sailing to the other side of a large body of water. *have your littles sway like they are in a boat* Jesus quickly fell asleep. As they were riding in the boat a large wave and heavy wind came on them. *sway much further side to side…act as if you feel sick and afraid* The wave was so big it almost filled the whole boat with water! The disciples were scared! The winds were blowing and the waves were rising!
*Ask how they would feel*
The disciples woke Jesus. Jesus said to the wind and waves “Quiet. Be still.” and the waves and the wind stopped.
Then Jesus asked them “Why are you afraid?”
There are lots of times that God asks us to have faith and not to be afraid. Jesus did not understand why the disciples were afraid. Jesus knew that God would take care of them no matter how big the waves got.
Are there big scary things in your life? Did you know that God promises to be with you? God won’t ever leave you to face scary stuff alone.
Instead of a craft I have a challenge for you:
This week walk around your neighborhood. While you walk pray for each house and person you pass. Sing worship songs if you like to sing.
If you are afraid. Stop and pray. Ask God to be with you.
No matter how big the waves (scary stuff) get, God is with us.