University Friends has had a tough week. This week we lost a dear friend, David Bengi. David was not only a part of our quiz team and active in youth activities, but he also volunteered during Children’s Worship most weeks. Almost every child that is a part of our meeting in recent years has had David Bengi in a class with them either as a fellow learner or as a helper.
Today, instead of a lesson I want to encourage you to take the time you would use to teach a lesson and instead read a story, cuddle, take a walk, or play with your littles. They may not say it, but they need our time and our cuddles as they try to process the loss of their friend. Some of our kids may have big questions about why this happened. Don’t feel intimidated or uncomfortable saying “I don’t know.” Sometimes the best things we can do is say we don’t understand.
God does not guarantee a life without hurt. God DOES tell us that God is with us during the yucky stuff. God will never leave us or forget about us. God knows days will be hard. The Bible tells us many times to lean on God when it’s hard. God’s love is always available to us. God’s love is forever.